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What is Youbhappy

We are the new content marketing engagement platform that rethinks digital marketing and provides a new and creative experience for all participants.

youBhappy promotes the creation of creative content and its evolution and distribution into collaborative content marketing campaigns. Engagement is rewarded. We apply crowdsourcing practices to the process of launching content marketing campaigns, providing a more efficient, effective, and transparent method.

youBhappy is the platform where brands, agencies, influencers, content creators and users come together to create shared experiences via „challenges“!

youBhappy is the digital content engagement platform (SaaS) – which leverages on the fascination of online challenges and sweepstakes among the digital generation – and thus enables advertisers to achieve unprecedented user engagement metrics right away.

Why youBhappy

Let the community come up with ideas

The Internet has changed the world. Globalization has been fueled by the Internet and the world has moved closer and closer together. This fact has fundamentally changed many things. Among others also the marketing of any kind of products. While newspaper or magazine ads, TV- and radio commercials used to be the means to sell products, today they are dominated by social media and online marketing. Essentially, today everyone is capable of creating content (audiovisual) and distributing it via the Internet. Some who create and distribute a lot of content become so-called influencers because their content is consumed by many other people and these people follow the influencers and their actions (so-called followers). In Germany alone, 3.8 billion euros are expected to be spent on social media advertising in 2022 (approx. 150 billion euros worldwide). Furthermore, the rate of increase in spending is forecasted to be around 12.23%. In 2026, spending on social media marketing in Germany alone will be around 6.02 billion euros. For content marketing alone, 10 billion euros were spent worldwide in 2021.


HappyNet OOD

Miziya Str. 23
1124 Sofia 
[email protected]


HappyCo GmbH

c/o Haus Borchardt
Französische Str. 47
10117 Berlin
[email protected]